Your body is a self-healing organism. Your spine and nerve system is the reason your body functions efficiently. A healthy spinal cord allows the brain to send messages through the nerves to your body’s organs so they can function properly. If any of the 24 vertebrae in your spine are subluxated (out of alignment) causing the nerves to compress, the messages are blocked. As a result, the body develops mild to severe symptoms of illness such as migraines, sinus and lung infections, asthma, allergies and back pain. A healthy you starts with a healthy spine.
Asthma and Chiropractic
Patients affiliated with asthma and allergies may benefit from spinal manipulation in terms of symptoms, immunological capacity and endocrine effects ...
Click on this site, then click on "search page," then type in "asthma" and read 30+ articles:
A study in Michigan, which took place during May and June of 1996, examined the chiropractic effectiveness in correcting the cause of asthma in patients from birth to age 17. The average age of the participant was 10 years olf. "After 30 days of chiropractic health care, patients averaged only one attack, whereas prior to the study they were experiencing more than four attacks," said MCC Dr. Bob Graham, who directed the study. "Medications, which can be costly, were decreased by 70%. Finally, the patient satisfaction was rated 8.5 on a scale of 10."
Tip ~ To help keep your spine aligned while you sleep, hug a king-sized pillow between your ankles, knees, elbows and wrists. This keeps your knees hip-width apart and your elbows shoulder-width apart so the rib cage and collarbones aren't collapsed inward thereby ensuring an aligned spine and a carefree nervous system.
Dr. Billy DeMoss. A MUST SEE!
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