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Sun Salutations
Sun Salutations awaken you in the morning as well as wind you down in the evening. They invite blood flow to all 72,000 nadis (energy channels) in the body and ease mental stress. Let your breath be your guide as you calm the mind of thought.

Here are a few links to Sun Salutation videos! Luke Jordan offers a step-by-step tutorial of Sun Salutation A and B.

Sun Sal A:
Sun Sal B:

Visual Guide
Note: Luke counts the 18 Sun Salutation breaths in Sanskrit throughout the flow and the 5 Downward Facing Dog breaths in English. Here is the translation matching the flow of inhales and exhales. As this is YOUR practice, add breaths if needed.

1 = ekam (inhale)
2 = dve (exhale)
3 = trini (inhale)
4 = catvari (exhale)
5 = panca (inhale)
6 = sat (exhale)
7 = sapta (inhale)
8 = astau (exhale)
9 = nava (inhale)
10 = dasa (exhale)
11 = ekadasa (inhale)
12 = dvadasa (exhale)
13 = trayodasa (inhale)
14 = aturdasa (exhale)
(5 breaths in Downward Facing Dog)
15 = pancadasa (inhale)
16 = sodasa (exhale)
17 = saptadasa (inhale)
18 = astadasa (exhale)

More to come ...

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